Kaeli Consulting

Episode 17: Never Say Never with Alisha Rose Merlo

In today’s episode Kaeli talks to Alisha Rose Merlo, Senior Director of Professional Relations at Colorescience and Founder of The Inspo Zone. She joins us to share her journey to the aesthetics industry, the importance of elevating others and how to be the most authentic version of yourself.

Leaving New Jersey to attend school for a Degree in Speech Language Pathology, Alisha knew three things; she was never getting married, never having kids and never driving a minivan. Looking back now, a married mother and grandmother of two, Alisha’s biggest learning from that time is never say never.

Alisha goes on to discuss hurdles in her life and career, both self-imposed and external. The best advice Alisha can offer is that if you have to wait, make use of the waiting. Have patience, gain knowledge and learn to apply it. Be ready when the opportunity does come.

Networking and building community is about elevating others and adding value, Alisha explains. She realized that her spiritual gift was encouragement and has made it her purpose. Really listen to those in your community and remember what they say. Building community right now may be difficult, but you can still utilize technology and social media. Reach out and engage with your circle and beyond!

Finally, Alisha offers advice for her younger self and the listeners. Take the time to recognize the milestones as you reach them. Be present. Don’t compromise your integrity to advance, and pursue everything you do with a heartfelt passionate intensity.


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