Kaeli Consulting

Episode 79: Best of Team Building with Lanae Kentner, GM of In-N-Out Burger

There is truly a phenomenon sweeping over great practices across the nation.  Essentially, the pandemic and the nuances related to employment of essential team members has left many business owners in a tough spot.

The supply and demand for minimum and medium wage workers is completely out of whack.

Who hasn’t been to a restaurant recently that is short staffed?

Here’s the thing, businesses are hiring, there is a booming demand for jobs available, but it seems as if the people to supply those positions are in rare availability.

Many folks who have been home for a year or more are really starting to think about what it means to go back to work.  What that essentially means is their core motivations may have shifted significantly.  Not to mention minimum wage workers are demanding higher pay to align with supplemental stimulus income over the past year plus.

Today I am sharing a replay episode with you of an interview with my sister who happens to be a General Manager of the $3 billion dollar burger company In n Out.  We had this conversation during the thick of covid and it is so powerful to me because it is the very processes, systems, and culture that has allowed this company to stay not only relevant but thrive through covid and beyond.

Some of us need people and some of us need to revisit our systems to determine if what we are focused on staffing is really producing lucrative profit for our company.

Tune in and take notes for this Best of Team building episode as we revisit my interview with now 17 year veteran & In n Out General Manager, Lanae Kentner.

Watch the Interview on YouTube HERE

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