Kaeli Consulting

Episode 75: Reflections: Befriending My Multiple Personalities

Today’s episode is inspired by the powerful work our academy members are doing in reimagining what “status” even means.  Meaning growth is personal and what you should be striving for in your business is completely individual- perhaps it’s more freedom.  More time with kids, more martini lunches….

And if you like the sound of this you’ll enjoy this episode 75, REFLECTIONS: Where I am making friends with my many personalities as a strategy for growth in business and life.

I discuss my recent realization that there are many different versions of myself that while they are not all useful as the CEO of my company, they are powerful influences in my life and really were a critical part of who I had become.  Instead of pushing those voices away, I would learn to embrace them, listen to them and identify which personality was trying to speak up.

Befriend your multiple personalities and learn how each of them can serve you best to support you on your journey for epic impact in the world as you curate your life’s story.

This is the kind of powerful work we do inside of our POP Leadership Academy, which has been developed based on tactical and practical wisdom I have learned over the last decade of mentoring, advising, and consulting with hundreds of the continent’s top aesthetic and wellness practices. These are physicians who have…. Built and scaled multi-million dollar businesses, are researchers, authors, clinical and business thought leaders, and experts at their craft.  They are also small, gritty, and ambitious founders who didn’t have all the resources at their fingertips but were determined to cross the next million dollar milestone in their business with decisive fluidity.

Our graduates are providers, practice owners, and leaders. While they may have different job titles, they share a nuanced set of powerful leadership skills that have allowed them to elevate to the top 2% of aesthetic businesses.

Say no more- these are powerful and disruptive leaders in their industries.  Who make up a cohort of like-minded people who share your unique passion and ambition.

If you have been underwhelmed with done for you consulting, are ready to step into your next level you can learn more about our leadership academy www.klcconsultants.com/pla-info

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