Kaeli Consulting

Episode 74: Finding Balance Through Boundaries

Today’s episode is a special one.  This fierce guest is many things to me- a provider, client, and friend.  And I have mad respect for the business she and her husband and partner in crime, Dr Jorge Castellanos have built together.

While she is strikingly beautiful and outspoken about her convictions, She is actually quite introverted and you’ll pick that up during the podcast as her humility often comes off as almost shyness.

Lauren talks in this episode about frustrations she felt around the consumer perception of aesthetics and facial balancing and how patients have been misinformed by much of what is seen on social media.

She shares some of her biggest lessons learned as she crossed the first million dollar milestone and gives some insight into how choosing to focus on high value activities and creating boundaries around them in her business and life has given her the ability to indulge in the things she cares most about while protecting her time, energy, and profits.

If you are thinking about starting a business, scaling your business as a solopreneur, or expanding to multiple locations, this episode is for you. Without further ado, here is my chat with Lauren Timpe RN, aesthetic injector extraordinaire- Enjoy!

Watch the podcast interview on YouTube here

Catch up with Lauren and the Omniapiel team on IG @omniapiel

Visit the Omniapiel website here

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