Kaeli Consulting

Episode 65: Stop Running Your Business Like a High School Freshman

Today’s episode comes from my heart, and also from my own recovery journey.  You see, I used to beg for clients, then do backflips for them, then give them a discount, then worry if they would come back. I ran my business like a high school freshman.

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You might be thinking to yourself, What in the world does being a high school freshman have anything to do with being hungry for business and wanting my clients to succeed? Well today I have a treat for you.  I am going to share with you the symptoms, diagnosis, and antidote for a business-related illness my team and I call HSFS.

HSFS- “High School Freshman Syndrome”

Here’s the thing: “When you become less attainable, you in fact become more desirable”

If you are thinking you might have a lingering HSFS cough that won’t go away, we can help you.

Inside of our POP Leadership Academy we will help you show up and build your million dollar ecosystem.  Session 2 in our first Module takes our clients through 11 different success pillars that help them scale their business through the mind of a confident CEO focusing on:

  1. A vision (growth mindset)
  2. A viable business model for growth and scale
  3. A clear and specific specialty or niche
  4. Pricing that is in line with your service costs and profitable bottom line growth
  5. Products & services that fill a NEED in your market
  6. Documented systems
  7. Automation
  8. Roles & Responsibilities
  9. A people strategy
  10. Financial management of the business
  11. Boundaries

Listen, as a recovered HSFS I can tell you that this blueprint is the exact formula that catapulted my business and dozens of our clients past the 7 figure mark.

But it took the discipline of believing, setting boundaries, and designing an ecosystem that would keep everyone around accountable to them.

This is some of the powerful work we do in our academy. If you’d like to learn more, you can head to www.klcconsultants.com/pla-info.  We are getting ready to open our academy up for Milestone 2 enrollment in August


We have opened up a position in our company for a Strategic Growth Advisor and are looking for our next rockstar team member.  This individual will be working shoulder to shoulder with me serving the most extraordinarily talented and carefully vetted clients.

Learn more about the position at www.klcconsultants.com/hiring and hey PS if you know someone who you think would be a great fit, please share this announcement and send them to the link to apply.

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