Kaeli Consulting

Episode 53: Why We Do Relationships, Not Transactions

We have been patiently, actively, and attentively asking powerful questions and listening to you, to our community, and to our clients to develop a carefully formulated curriculum in our academy that takes our students step by step through the growth milestones that will teach you to masterfully build a deeply satisfying, lucrative, freedom-based business that stands the test of time.

Most of our clients make massive financial leaps during their time working with us, but that is a not our primary goal; through my collective research and tactical experience working with MDs, NPs, and aesthetic business owners, I’ve developed a wide body of evidence that proves that female owners desire to scale in business without sacrificing their quality of life.

They are looking for lucrative (profit rich) companies that support a life of autonomy and flexibility- flexibility to vacation without stress, autonomy to choose their dream team and clients, and rich profits to reinvest into making a greater impact in the world.

That is why when you work with us, our handshake with you is not bound by a transaction, it’s built around a relationship. When we are evaluating applications for our academy, we are not gauging the size of your bank account. We hold the members in our academy in very high regard and first and foremost we are carefully considering the mutual value and contributions of our work together.

You need a partner to help you pursue a bigger mission in the world- and this takes what we call million dollar confidence.

Tune into this episode to learn more about how we can help you build your own million dollar confidence through our powerful work together.

And of course sign up for my weekly email for tons of strategy, tips, and resources to help you catapult your business and life. Head over to www.klcconsultants.com/join to get yo-self access.

PS- If you missed it, click here to tune in to Episode 39: 2021 Aesthetic Trends Creating Momentum for our Clients

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