Kaeli Consulting

Episode 52: Marketing Your Proprietary Method

Something I’ve noticed about our Academy clients collectively this year is that they have strong clarity and visibility around the thing that makes them unique.  Basically, they have become marketing geniuses as it relates to developing a brand identity that exposes them as the preeminent category leader in their market.

During the first year in the academy we take our students through the influential business building milestones around Leadership mindset, team building, brand strategy, marketing foundations, and systems & structure.  During this process they essentially learn to make powerful mindset shifts around building a business to fit a lifestyle that brings them joy and fulfilment without following industry norms or relying on watered down information to guide their decision making.

But an important part of creating iconic influence in an industry like aesthetics or wellness is serving a population of people whose needs aren’t being met.  Not just marketing to the same old folks poking around for the next discount.  And the only way to attract high end clients who value your brilliance and are willing to pay top dollar for exceptional care is to position yourself in the market as the only obvious solution to their needs.

And this gorgeous clarity and alignment around marketing your personal or professional brand comes with some very strategic work around designing your own techniques, methods, or systems that ONLY YOU offer.

Today I want to share with you steps to creating and marketing your own proprietary method so you too can stand out from the crowd and showcase yourself as a preeminent brand.

If you’d like to take this conversation a step further, get some expert, unbiased help discerning a proprietary method that will catapult your brand, or looking for step by step guidance on creating and marketing your own “special technique” you can set up a call with my team at the link in the show notes or head to www.klcconsultants.com/join to learn more about the brilliant work our clients do inside our POP Leadership Academy to better clarify, articulate, and market their own proprietary method.

Click here to catch episode 47: Eliminate Fire Drills in Your Business With This Strategy

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