I’m really thrilled to share this absolutely badass episode with you today. I had the honor of interviewing one of the aesthetic industry’s favorite nurse injectors, Traci Andreason and I picked her brain on all the hot questions from growing an IG following into the tens of thousands to converting social media leads to patients, to staying authentic and true to herself when her industry current is gripping her to look and act like everyone else on the market
And finally, priceless advice on how to leverage your unique knowledge and expertise to monetize online programs and products.
Traci is an RN and advanced nurse injector with a background in facial aesthetics. She is currently studying for her NP degree while she treats patients at Ruma aesthetics in Utah. Traci has authored several books and is on a mission to enhance the availability of high quality education for nurse injectors.
I was really looking forward to this interview because Traci is someone who I have so much respect for. She is a wife, mom, business partner, and student- and truly values authenticity in relationships.
She gives some raw advice about balance between acquiring new leads and actually attracting the right people who will genuinely treasure her value.
Chick here for products, resources and training information and here for treatments.
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