Kaeli Consulting

Embracing Change: A Guide to Re-Evaluating Life Choices and Building Your Future

A Reflection on Consistency and Achievement

Recently, I reached a significant milestone by hosting 200 episodes of my podcast, The Fierce Factor. This achievement not only signifies a remarkable level of discipline and consistency but also reflects the value of hard-earned rewards. Unlike gifts, which may lack personal significance, accomplishments earned through dedication and perseverance hold a unique and profound value.

For instance, I vividly remember the sense of pride and accomplishment I felt when I purchased my first car. The sacrifices I made, such as saving diligently and foregoing personal luxuries, culminated in an unforgettable moment of triumph. This experience parallels the feeling of earning my Rolex watch as recognition for being named Rep of the Year at my company. Such achievements underscore the importance of hard work and the deep satisfaction it brings.


A Critical Look at Our Industry

As leaders in health, wellness, beauty, self-care, and human empowerment, it is essential to evaluate whether we truly embody the principles we promote. Often, we find ourselves caught in a cycle of constant activity and busyness, which society rewards and values. Inspired by Brooke Castillo’s exercise, I realized that many of my decisions have become default choices, driven by habit rather than intention.

Consider a recent conversation I had at brunch about the rising costs of college education. One woman shared her dilemma of funding her daughter’s education at a prestigious university despite substantial scholarships. Another discussed her niece’s major shift from pre-med to French after a costly education. These stories highlight the uncertainty young adults face in making life-long decisions. Yet, in other areas of life, such as relationships, home, and career, we often adhere to choices made years ago without re-evaluation.

Default choices can significantly impact our personal and professional growth. When we operate on autopilot, we miss opportunities for introspection and intentional decision-making. This habit can lead to stagnation, as we continue to follow paths that may no longer align with our goals or values. It’s crucial to periodically assess our choices and ensure they reflect our current aspirations and circumstances.

Re-Deciding on Your Life

During a family vacation, observing my children snowboarding independently prompted me to reflect on the profound changes we undergo over time. Despite significant personal growth, adults often perceive themselves as static, leading to a reluctance to embrace new opportunities or experiences. This resistance stems from a full plate of passive commitments made long ago.

I challenge you to reassess your daily choices and relationships. Who would you choose to associate with if given a chance to re-select? What habits would you retain or discard? How would you restructure your life to align with your current self?

Living intentionally involves making conscious choices that align with your values and goals. It requires regular reflection and a willingness to let go of practices or relationships that no longer serve your best interests. By living intentionally, you create a life that is more fulfilling and aligned with your true self.

Evaluate your home, business, and personal life. If you could start anew, what would you change? Our academy recently discussed compensation plans, and many expressed regret over past decisions. Just as a house cannot be built on an outdated blueprint, a business should not be scaled based on an outdated mission statement. Constantly doing more without aligning with your current self is unproductive.

Embracing Change and Growth

Change is an inevitable part of life, and embracing it is essential for growth. Holding on to outdated commitments can hinder progress and prevent you from exploring new opportunities. By regularly reassessing your decisions and making adjustments, you can ensure that your actions and goals remain aligned with your evolving self.

Shift your mindset to prioritize being over doing. Each day, re-evaluate if your life aligns with the current version of yourself. Reflect on your ultimate dreams and how you would live if your time were limited. This perspective fosters intensity and focus on what truly matters.

Mindfulness plays a critical role in intentional living. By staying present and aware of your actions and decisions, you can make choices that are more aligned with your values and goals. Practicing mindfulness can help you break free from autopilot mode and live a more purposeful life.

Remember, you are inherently worthy of your desires. Eliminate default circumstances that no longer serve you. Scaling your business begins with self-confidence. If your actions do not align with your present self, they will never suffice.


Strategies for Re-Aligning Your Life

  1. Regular Reflection: Set aside time each week to reflect on your choices and actions. Consider whether they align with your current goals and values.
  2. Goal Setting: Clearly define your short-term and long-term goals. Ensure that your daily actions contribute to these goals.
  3. Mindfulness Practices: Incorporate mindfulness practices such as meditation or journaling into your routine. These practices can help you stay present and make intentional choices.
  4. Seek Feedback: Engage with trusted friends, family members, or mentors who can provide valuable feedback and help you stay aligned with your goals.

Continuous Learning

Continuous learning is essential for personal and professional growth. By staying open to new ideas and experiences, you can adapt to changes and make informed decisions. Consider joining communities or programs that support your learning and growth.

To further support your journey in optimizing your aesthetic practice, consider joining the POP Leadership Academy. This 12-month business incubator is tailored for female leaders in aesthetics and wellness, offering over 50 business trainings, world-class coaching, and strategic advisory calls. The Academy provides essential tools and community support to elevate your business, focusing on developing a CEO mindset, building a robust brand strategy, and assembling a high-performing team. Learn more and apply today: POP Leadership Academy.

For additional resources, subscribe to “The Blueprint,” the official KLC Consulting weekly newsletter. It is curated to support, educate, and encourage powerhouse female entrepreneurs in aesthetics and wellness. The newsletter offers insights, tips, and strategies to help you achieve your goals and lead a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Celebrating milestones and embracing intentional living are crucial for personal and professional fulfillment. By regularly reassessing your choices and ensuring they align with your current self, you can create a life that is truly reflective of your values and aspirations. Embrace the journey of continuous growth and learning, and remember that you are worthy of achieving everything you desire.

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