Have you ever had a moment where you’ve thought to yourself, “how in the world am I actually doing this”? Or internally told yourself that your accomplishments were due to luck, or your network, resources , or parents? Do you ever think that you are going to be discovered as a fraud? Do you feel like everyone else around you knows more than you?
You could be one of the millions of Americans who suffer from something called imposter syndrome.
Something I’ve noticed about imposter syndrome is that it’s very sneaky. It is a little tiny voice that is soooo subtle and makes you believe it’s protecting you.
In this episode I want to talk about imposter syndrome and some of the ways I have overcome this issue to help myself believe that I am worthy of showing up full out without being held back by this limiting belief that I am an imposter.
Tune in for my 3 tips to looking inside of yourself for intrinsic versus external validation and slay those big goals like the badass you are!
Xo- Kaeli
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