Kaeli Consulting

Episode 119: The Metrics You’re Focused on That Don’t Matter

So often I have conversations with women who feel guilty or ashamed of being so overwhelmed in their business. As if life itself isn’t complicated enough, tack on the pressure of running a sustainable business and the responsibility of supporting a team both energetically and financially, and you’ve got a recipe for burnout.

Our constant drive for more growth can really distract us from investing in the metrics that matter, namely seasons of restoration and replenishment.

This Episode #119 is all about learning how seasons of calm can counterintuitively create more momentum for you in your business.

Tune into this episode to advance your skills of critical thinking for deep replenishment to build, cultivate, and plan for your future.

PS! This week will be accepting applications for our August class of Confidence to Scale business growth certification program.

I developed this new curriculum to teach you step by step how to build those assets, to help you face the challenges that come with growth HEAD on: you’ll be ready to capitalize on the demand for your expert work, get your mind right around what it will take to grow sustainably with systems, structure, and team, and you’ll learn a repeatedly proven framework for showcasing your brand as a preeminent market leader.

If you are ready to evolve into a leader who is capable of building a team and business that honors you as a woman, as a visionary… this is the place you need to be.

You can submit a very brief application over at www.klcconsultants.com/scale

My wish for you is that you are ready to become clear, mission oriented, and well-directioned as you lead your business your way- focused on the metrics that truly matter, focused on building the life and business you truly deserve.


-KL .

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