Hello leader, welcome to a very special surprise episode of the Fierce Factor podcast, it’s Kaeli here and I decided to plug in an extra episode this week to take a couple of minutes to share with you details of an upcoming virtual event that I will be hosting next week because this might be just what you for your business right now.
It’s always team building season over here. And we have quite a few clients who are in the process of hiring new staff to support their next level of growth.
I don’t know about you, but one of the biggest challenges our clients face when it comes to hiring is the “ramp up period” that’s required for a new employee to get properly trained on the tasks of their new job, integrate with the existing systems, and adapt elegantly into company culture- all while making an immediate impact for the business.
If you’re a regular listener to the show you’ve heard me talk about stacking the bench or what we refer to in our POP Leadership Academy as “ABR” always be recruiting. And it sure seems like there is plenty of guidance out there to help you find great people. But what I’ve noticed is no one is talking about what to do when you DO find a great employee!
I talk with my recruiter friends all the time about how perfect of a fit a candidate may be for a business, but most business owners lack systems to help employees onboard quickly to make immediate, actionable impact in their practice.
And when you’re an aesthetic or wellness provider with a fully booked schedule, you need a team who can plug in and contribute instantly.
So how do we set our new team members up for lasting and sustainable employment all while optimizing their impact asap?
Believe it or not, this process starts before the candidate is even hired. And I am going to share the KLC playbook for rapid business growth through team building in our Hire for Immediate Impact masterclass!
Next week on Monday July 25th I will share the single most transformative and practical lesson I’ve learned through my time as a sales director in corporate america, through building my own 7 figure income-producing team, and by supporting hundreds of high growth aesthetic practices around the globe through this process.
This Masterclass is an exclusive, one time, interactive course- limited to applicants who are ready to enroll their next high performing team member and cross the next million dollar milestone in their business with ease and deep fulfillment.
Join me as we blow open the team building vault to get super practical about high impact hiring in 2022!
Leader, It’s time to stop tolerating the frustration of poor performance, behavioral issues, and the discomfort of “people drama” by creating a high impact hiring plan that will catapult your business TODAY!
In this this powerful 60-minute session, learn to:
1- Magnetize your next high-performing team member
2- Set your new employee up for immediate, profit-producing impact
3- Leverage top talent to inspire company culture
Register asap at http://klcconsultants.com/masterclass
*PS- Mark your calendar! Live attendees will receive our Interview like a vixen master course and candidate grading rubric, with compliments (a $297 value)
Ok leader, if you plan to hire this year or in the near future, you don’t want to miss this FREE event. I look forward to seeing you next week!
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