
Kaeli Consulting

Episode 111: The 6 Stages of an Aesthetic Business Lifecycle

I recently saw a mom of three kids chasing her toddler around while carrying a baby during her oldest son’s baseball game. The experience took me back to the days of raising my now 10 and 13 year old boys, and the realization that they have really grown up and the way I parent and interact with them has taken a 180 turn. Not only have they changed, but so have I!

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And gosh, raising kids through the developmental stages of life is so much like raising a business. Who our business needs us to be when it’s a baby business is dramatically different from its requirements as it matures.

Today’s Fierce Factor episode is all about raising a business to embrace the entrepreneurial experience.  And we will discuss this journey in 6 distinct phases.  We will talk about the key experiences during each stage, some of the challenges a business in each stage may be experiencing, and the exciting rewards that come with each stage of growth.

Enjoy! Xo- Kaeli

If you aren’t sure if you have the tools in place to scale your business head over to our quiz at www.klcconsultants.com/quiz.  You can take this for free, fill out some information and answers to scenario-based questions to reveal if your business is at a stage of growth that will allow you to build a deeply satisfying business that will stand the test of time and maturation.

We have created our programming at KLC in 3 distinct phases to walk you through these stages I shared in this episode. Follow the links below to learn more:

  1. Step 1 Blueprint- this is where we help you build the framework for where you would like to be positioned in the marketplace, identifying a gap, building your marketing strategy, and designing your proprietary method  – we do this through our Proprietary Aesthetic Method tool or via our PAM workshop
  2. Step 2 is Vision- this is where we help you define your mission, vision, and values. We help you build the confidence to scale, set boundaries, and learn how to show up as the CEO you are meant to be to cross the next million dollar milestone in your business.  Remember you can’t parent your 13 year old like you did when she was 2.  We do this through our CTS program or Confidence to Scale 6 week business growth certification program
  3. Step 3 is Capability- Hand delivering the tools to bring your business along this journey of growth from infant to mature adult.  We break this step into 5 distinct milestones over one year in our 12 month comprehensive POP Leadership Academy where we will support you with the resources, guidance, and coaching, community, and empowerment to execute on your vision.

PS- If you are even remotely considering what it might be like to work with me and my team in any of our programs please head over to klcconsultants.com and fill out a contact form application.  We will set up a call to make sure there is a fit.  If not, we will help steer you in the right direction to help you succeed in step with your own timeline and budget.

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