Welcome to The FF podcast, you are tuning in to episode 44: and what I am going to share with you today will radically transform your relationship to “sleezy selling” in 5 minutes.
PS- I have created a PDF to accompany this training called “21 ways to follow-up with clients without being salesy”. You can grab your copy by sending me a DM on Instagram. Just type “sales”. Or you can send me a nice note too that works:)
It was super interesting for me when I started working with aesthetic practices and saw how uncomfortable so many providers and especially their teams were with the selling process. I’ve come to learn that most of the time when a client tells me “my team needs to get stronger at selling” the root of the problem is usually one of two things (neither of which are the team’s ABILITY to sell)
- The practice hasn’t developed a RMP (relationship marketing process) focused on a strong sales ecosystem that includes 6 key components: patient acquisition, patient nurturing, conversion, retention, upsells, and referrals) Go back to episode Episode 10: The power of patient retention to get all the insight on this)
- Or two, the employee (or owner for that matter) has a bitter taste in their mouth about sales. 9 times out of 10 when I do staff trainings I’ll ask what does sales mean to you? And the analogy of the greasy car salesman comes to the forefront
So in the spirit of addressing this wildly common issue, I wanted to share a very powerful analogy with you that just might transform the relationship you have to selling in your practice. Tune into episode 44 for a 5 minute mindset hack that will transform your relationship with selling!
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