Kaeli Consulting

Episode 24: Power Position Your Brand

Today I want to share with you a portion of an academy training I did on professional branding. We believe our brand promise is the covenant we make to our client. It’s the organizing principle that ties together your presence in the marketplace. It informs every decision you make- what services or treatments to offer, policies, operations, sales, etc.

It basically states: What you come work with us “xyz” will happen.

Those of you who have been through my bootcamps have heard me say that your brand reputation is really what your consumer says behind your back. But this doesn’t have to be something out of your control. When you intentionally position your brand, you capture and lock in on your own position in the marketplace to establish your business in a category of one.

So in this training I’ll give you a sneak peek into the top 8 ways to power position your brand in your space.

If after you listen to this episode you and feel like you would like some support positioning your practice in a way that cuts through (rather than contribute to the noise in a saturated industry), I’d love the opportunity to to get my brain in your business and help you create some seductive branding to powerfully articulate your message, create a differentiated offer, and attract your dream clients. If this sounds like something you would like to partner on, please schedule a free, no pressure strategy call with me through the link in the show notes or you can DM me on Instagram to set up a time to connect.

I hope you enjoy this episode number 24 “How to Power Position Your Brand”

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