Kaeli Consulting

Episode 178: The Feminine Edge

Today’s episode is all about a superpower that you have but probably aren’t even aware of. This is something I call the “feminine edge.” I am fortunate enough to have worked for successful, powerful women who embraced their femininity in their leadership roles and weren’t trying to emulate their male colleagues. From their outfits to their communication styles, these women were true to themselves.

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If you are lucky enough to also have had similar role models, you can see that we don’t have to show up in business and conform to the traditional masculine way of doing things. Leaning into your feminine traits can allow you to utilize the skills you already have. As women, we are fierce in the business world, and more often than not, we are high achievers.

Our feminine edge consists of things like our communication skills, our instincts, our intuition, and our empathy. When you realize that building meaningful interpersonal relationships is a huge cornerstone in achieving your goals, you will be astounded by how many skills you already possess that will support you in doing just that.

Recognize your value as a woman and lead with your curiosity. Your feminine edge makes you excellent at negotiations, garnering support, and enrolling people in your vision, all of which are important parts of building relationships in business. Things that come naturally to you will support you on your journey if you embrace them.

You don’t have to behave in a masculine way, subscribe to hustle culture, or follow somebody else’s direction of success. Create your own path. Lean into your empathy, emotions, and vulnerability and allow it to guide you. Know your value and stand up for it. That is the feminine edge.

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