Kaeli Consulting

Episode 193: Getting Back to the Basics

As we round out our 2023 year, I reflect back on wins, losses, and lessons learned.  And I ask myself who I want to become in 2024.  The question of what to work on PERSONALLY.  I often ask this question because I think we are so programmed to think about business growth, but what about us as people?  We need to keep ourselves sharp and growing as individuals

A client recently talked about her goal of “getting back to the basics”…. An objective that was so basic yet so profound.

Because as simple as it may sound, the reality is, getting back to the basics is not basic at all.  It means cutting excess, it means changing course, it means rewinding and rebuilding, it means rewiring our minds.  It means saying NO to opportunities and it means pushing out of our comfort zone.

Getting back to the basics would mean getting refocused on our foundation and indulging in “the now” versus rushing to the next thing or adding more.  Sounds so straightforward yet feels so taxing.

I believe that the more successful we become, the more we expect of ourselves and others.  And the more susceptible we are to fall into that insufficiency mindset- longing for more.

In this week’s episode I share a checklist for you as you enjoy your holiday break to really think about how you can get back to the basics in your own business and life.

I really hope you take some time to not just plan for your future in terms of what you WANT to accomplish, but also plan for what you are willing to give up to get there.  Getting back to the basics with team, with systems, habits, perhaps with your business.  Hope you enjoy this episode and as always share on IG what your biggest takeaway was!

Xo, Kaeli

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